Triumph (Kornpfortstrasse 5)
It looked like the business to which the device belongs no longer exists. (September 2019)
Pharmacy Apotheke am Jesuitenplatz (Firmungstrasse 36)
(September 2019)
Eyewear fashion Grueber (Entenpfuhl 18)
(September 2019)
Hut Schnell LEO (Entenpfuhl 14)
(September 2019)
Peter Spoenemann (Entenpfuhl 2)
(September 2019)
Carpet House Eierstock / World (Marktstrasse 2)
On the facade of the building there are two devices for two different stores. Furthermore, there is another cantilever facing the street, which is not seen here. (September 2019)
Jeweler Keuser (Loehrstrasse 31)
Above the corner entrance is a device made of tubes that light up in different colors. The blue nameplate is also in operation during the day. The other tubes are probably defective, as indicated by photo research on the Internet. (September 2019)
Fur house Trexel (Rheinstrasse 34)
The store is no longer in the building, and the device is likely out of service. (September 2019)
Wine house “Weihwasserkessel” (Florinspfaffengasse 1)
The building is somewhat hidden and very inconvenient to photograph the device well. The business has been closed and the device is very likely out of service. (September 2019)