Foreign Photo

Link-Biere (Hauptstrasse 9) On the north-facing gable wall is a multi-part device consisting of tubes and an illuminated plastic sign.Read More →

Hofacker Fireworks e.K. (Goethestrasse 29a) On the right side of the building facing Wilhelmstrasse, at the level of the secondRead More →

Gemstone Boutique Gschwendner (Prof.-Schreyoegg-Platz 5) In the shop window there is a lettering made of green luminous tubes. (December 2019)Read More →

VEB Transformatoren- und Röntgenwerk “Hermann Matern” (Rethelstrasse 47) On the gable of the former factory building is a large deviceRead More →

Restaurant “Drebbelbrinnche” (Hoefelsgasse 8) The device of green glowing tubes is even in operation during the day. (September 2019) BrödelRead More →

City Play January 2018 On the canopy of the building there is an illuminated advertising sign with red and blueRead More →

Bookstore Mächtlinger In addition to the two yellow illuminated advertising installations, there is another installation with blue illuminated tubes inRead More →

Hoepfner On the roof of the building there is a large device of the Hoepfner brewery in green tubes. TheRead More →